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LCRC Director on Community Impact

We feel lucky that we are the ones that most often get to share the most exciting news about the progress of TDS supported projects in the Bukwaya area. But it is the hard work of our local partners that is impacting the students, teachers, and families of communities around the LCRC. When we first started supporting community groups in 2008, communication was difficult. Only a handful of our partners had mobile phones and telephone calls were expensive. Most of our planning and coordination would rely on annual volunteer visits to Musoma and Nyegina.

Over the past 12 years, technology has changed so much and it has become easier to stay in touch on a daily basis. Most recently, we held our first digital event which connected nearly 30 TDS donors with LCRC staff and leaders via Zoom! We could not have been happier with how the event went and the response we have received and look forward to holding more events that can connect the TDS community with our sisters and brothers in Tanzania.

Since not all our supporters were able to attend the event, we asked LCRC Director, Joyce Masso, to record a statement that she would like to share more broadly with the TDS community. What better way to hear about the progress and impact of the LCRC facility than from the Director herself?!

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