The LCRC's IT Technician, John Odongo, has been working with teachers at Nyegina Secondary school to introduce them to some of the content that is available on the local server and Internet. John recently shared some videos of one of the science teachers that brought students from his class to the teacher resource room to use the computers to play with an interactive educational program that allows students to conduct different "experiments."
The computer labs are also being used to introduce students at both Nyegina Secondary and the village's two primary schools to computers. Digital literacy is a critical step in integrating technology into school ecosystem and John is doing a fantastic job at leading the charge. Students are catching on quickly as you can see in the video below!
Video Description: Students using an interactive science program on the LCRC's computers. The program is just one of many that lives on the facility's server and can be accessed by students and teachers.
Due to the limited number of computers that are available at the LCRC currently, students have to team up together to use a single computer. That's OK, though. They are learning together as a team! Our goal is to fill two existing rooms at the LCRC with an additional work stations so more than one teacher can use computers at a time. Imagine how many students could engage with these types of learning programs if we had 50 computers!